This site is a one stop shop of up to date and relevant information on cockatiel parronting, nutrition, health and well-being. Content and site design by Shea Lewis, Lyn Samuel, or if you prefer contact me on gettr or contact Sonia Blackwell. on facebook. Template designed by HTML5 UP feel free to join our FB or our New MeWe group or We now have a twitter account

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Cockatiels are a high maintenance bird species. Like budgies, cockatiels require a certain amount of handling and out-of-cage time on a daily basis. Cockatiels are nowhere near as demanding as some of the larger parrot species. Being rather small, they don't require as much space and are therefore easier to house and care for than many other psittacine species. Cockatiels are highly intelligent, affectionate and are a great choice for those who have the time to devote to being a good parront. A Cockatiel will be a great companion for a would-be bird owner willing to return love, provide a large cage, healthy food, and a bird-proof room.

The information offered here is to provide guidance and is not intended to be a substitute for the good advice provided by your own avian vet. When in doubt always consult your own veterinarian.